Acidic Seepage Swamp Forest

This generally small-in-size community is found in areas where seeping groundwater forms permanent swampy areas, typically where water seeps into a relatively flat area from the base of an adjoining slope. The heavy presence of Red Maple, Black Gum, Cinnamon Fern, Possumhaw, Sweetbay Magnolia, and Netted Chain Fern is characteristic

Table of Contents:


Dominant and Common Species

Sparse Species

Restricted Species

Downloadable Files

This document contains the images found above and additional information that makes it a stand-alone resource. It is intended to be used to help guide restoration efforts in this community.

Acidic Seepage Swamp 6238 NOVA Description.pdf

This Excel document contains extensive data related to the community. In addition to the Dominant, Common, Sparse, and Restricted Species listed in the charts above, it also contains information about the Rare Species. This file will address many needs for the most detailed user of the data. In the data, one can:

  • Compare species abundance in Northern Virginia to the State-wide level.

  • Sort or filter by species, common name, form, abundance category, constancy, and multiple other metrics and measures

  • Compare "Mean Cover" score to "Mean Cover when Present Score" across species.

Acidic Seepage Swamp 6283 NOVA Data.xlsx